Up in Smoke Movie Review

I missed the 4/20 special last year, so better make up for that! So let's have a look at the movie credited for creating the "Stoner Comedy" genre: Cheech & Chong's "Up in (blog post) Smoke." It's the story of two comedians that got popular enough, they were able to toss a bunch of material together and call it a movie. What, you want the plot of

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Reigo King of the Sea Monsters Movie Review

So it's been years since Gamerathon 3 and I've still yet to get a chance to watch Gamera 4: The Truth. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I can't find more kaiju flicks directed by the man who created it! That brings us to Reigo: King of the sci-fi movie reviews Sea Monsters. It's a big monster from the deep sea, and it likes to smash things. That's.. pr

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Cinema commentaries on Horror Films

Annihilation (2018) The Sci-Fi film about a group of researchers who explore a bizarre and dangerous area called "The Shimmer" is a thrilling and scary watch. The direction by Alex Garland is masterful, while the audio and visual production (blog post) are top-quality. Performances by the female crew, with a special emphasis on Natalie Portma

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